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Lexicographical Substring Search statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
2039 15743 3408 3960 715 1225 3525

141 2015-04-29 15:33:25 Dylan accepted 0.31 27M CPP
142 2016-01-28 05:59:41 beans accepted 0.31 28M CPP
143 2016-05-24 10:59:24 DSSGSRA accepted 0.32 29M CPP
144 2016-12-11 04:38:43 [A2K44] accepted 0.32 15M CPP
145 2015-03-26 20:32:09 Anton Chaplygin accepted 0.33 27M CPP
146 2016-01-08 01:32:55 duyixian accepted 0.33 211M CPP
147 2016-01-16 03:17:20 Ma Long accepted 0.33 27M CPP
148 2017-03-06 22:17:43 m accepted 0.33 76M CPP
149 2015-01-25 13:57:31 viv accepted 0.34 24M CPP
150 2015-10-03 00:12:57 Marcelo Fornet accepted 0.35 26M CPP
151 2015-11-13 15:23:55 bourne accepted 0.35 25M CPP
152 2016-01-19 11:18:25 ppfish accepted 0.35 24M CPP
153 2019-05-07 20:14:24 gaurav1717 accepted 0.35 38M CPP
154 2015-04-10 04:31:47 zxcasd accepted 0.36 48M CPP
155 2016-11-04 18:56:06 GiangNguyen accepted 0.36 15M CPP
156 2016-03-23 21:18:12 sxie12 accepted 0.37 15M CPP
157 2017-01-18 06:47:18 bharat khanna accepted 0.37 15M CPP
158 2015-09-14 04:56:12 yu-chuan liu accepted 0.38 6.4M CPP
159 2016-07-28 09:18:07 Trans accepted 0.38 6.9M CPP
160 2013-08-05 16:19:30 kuangbin accepted 0.39 82M CPP